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Are you INDIE?


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You are an indie snob!


You're just too cool for school, aren't you? You're pretty narrow minded and opinionated with regards to music (and probably most other things as well). But you're allowed to be, because you really are better than everyone else. You take pride in obscurity. You probably prefer vinyl too, you elitist bitch.


e chi è il tipo nella foto?

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You are an indie snob!

You're just too cool for school, aren't you? You're pretty narrow minded and opinionated with regards to music (and probably most other things as well). But you're allowed to be, because you really are better than everyone else. You take pride in obscurity. You probably prefer vinyl too, you elitist bitch.

tutto vero :D

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You are an indie snob!

You're just too cool for school, aren't you? You're pretty narrow minded and opinionated with regards to music (and probably most other things as well). But you're allowed to be, because you really are better than everyone else. You take pride in obscurity. You probably prefer vinyl too, you elitist bitch.

tutto vero :D


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You are open-minded!

You're pretty knowledgeable about music in general. You like indie music, sure, but that's only part of it. You'll listen to any old shit as long as it sounds good to you. You're not snobby about music at all, you just like what you like. How boring. Curiously, this makes you popular with the opposite sex.

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You are open-minded!

You're pretty knowledgeable about music in general. You like indie music, sure, but that's only part of it. You'll listen to any old shit as long as it sounds good to you. You're not snobby about music at all, you just like what you like. How boring. Curiously, this makes you popular with the opposite sex.

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You are a mix taper!

You're really enthusiastic about the music that you like. You attempt to discover your new favourite band every week. You continually try to get your friends into the music you like, which annoys the fuck out of them, but you don't know it. At least you're not arrogant about it.

sono pure snob però

un po'

verissimo in effetti

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You are an indie snob!

You're just too cool for school, aren't you? You're pretty narrow minded and opinionated with regards to music (and probably most other things as well). But you're allowed to be, because you really are better than everyone else. You take pride in obscurity. You probably prefer vinyl too, you elitist bitch.

tutto vero  :D

quoto quoto quoto B)

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bellissimo... http://home.iprimus.com.au/sparvin/indie.htm

a me è venuto:


Who are you trying to fool? Just because you own a couple of Weezer albums doesn't mean that you're uberindie. Indie people don't hear about cutting edge new bands from MTV. At least the ignorant don't know what they're missing...

anche a me è venuto questo tizio..ma vuol dire che io sono come lui!?oddio no!

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bellissimo... http://home.iprimus.com.au/sparvin/indie.htm

a me è venuto:


Who are you trying to fool? Just because you own a couple of Weezer albums doesn't mean that you're uberindie. Indie people don't hear about cutting edge new bands from MTV. At least the ignorant don't know what they're missing...

anche a me è venuto questo tizio..ma vuol dire che io sono come lui!?oddio no!

e invece sì :P

mucciaccia-indie anche per te! :lol:

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You're indie in that you like indie music. However, you're probably only into whatever your best friend is into right now. You most likely do discover some cool music on your own, but you always seek someone else's approval before it's okay for you to like it. You can appear cool, as long as no one discovers your dark secret.

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You are a mix taper!

You're really enthusiastic about the music that you like. You attempt to discover your new favourite band every week. You continually try to get your friends into the music you like, which annoys the fuck out of them, but you don't know it. At least you're not arrogant about it.

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  • 3 months later...


ma che....solo io sono a scenester che devo anche il dizionario aprire perché non ho la più pallida idea di che cosa significhi :lol:

e poi...che brutta foto :lol: :lol:


You are a scenester!

You are so indie it hurts. You hang out with the coolest people in your city. It doesn't even bother you that none of them know your name. You know lots of bands personally, you know a couple of guys from We Hate The Mainstream Records, and you blag your way into getting almost everything for free. That fanzine you write gives you extra kudos. You probably don't even care that non-scenesters think you're a pretentious fuck.

e poi....quello con la genete cool non è vero :arbitro:

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l'ho rifatto e mi è venuto:

You are not indie at all!

Who are you trying to fool? Just because you own a couple of Weezer albums doesn't mean that you're uberindie. Indie people don't hear about cutting edge new bands from MTV. At least the ignorant don't know what they're missing...

che in effetti si avvicina di piu alla realtà.

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