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Everything posted by okgiacomo82

  1. Creature - No Sleep At All [2008] The Duke Spirit - The Duke Spirit [2009]
  2. AA.VV. - Le Nouveau Rock N Roll Francais. Bellissimo album....transalpino!
  3. Arthur Russel - Love is Overtaking Me Thanks to...
  4. The Walkmen - You & Me [2008] Vivamente consigliato
  5. Aquilani tra 2 anni sarà il centrocampista più forte del mondo. Ne riparliamo in Sudafrica.
  6. Primo ascolto??!! Com'è potuto capitare Der?
  7. Uh...non lo sapevo fosse oggi.... Stasera gli renderò omaggio.
  8. Sascha Funke - Boogybytes vol.2 Ellen Allien - Berlinette
  9. okgiacomo82


    Quanto mi piacerebbe ascoltare "le luci della centrale elettrica".....
  10. Veramente.....ancora vi fidate delle cazzate che scrivono su ondarock?!?!?! PS: io non l'ho letta la recensione dei notwist di ondarock...ma non stento a credere che sia una lungua sequenza di parole messe a caso. PPS: Io odio ondarock....anche se non ricordo con quale recensione tutto abbia avuto inizio
  11. Immagino....e godo ancor di più... Attack comunque ieri l'ho rifatto... sono andato a vederla nel covo gobbo del mio paese....! Non puoi immaginare che goduria vederli bestemmiare in aramaico quando ha segnato ZingarIbra...e io (insieme ad altri due) che esultavo e gli ridevo sfacciatamente in faccia! PS: stupendo Stankovic che chiama Ibra "Lo Zingaro"
  12. Che giornata! Buonanotte a tutti....belli e brutti....gobbi e uefisti....gufi e romanisti! Ho esultato anche per tutti voi. :baguette: :baguette:
  13. Radiohead, Live Nation Respond to Virginia Washout Live Nation offers New Jersey gig tickets to fans who missed Radiohead's VA show Photo by Margarita Gonzalez "Huge disappointment." "A disaster." "The worst concert-going experience of my lifetime." "Total heinousness!" Those are just a few of the colorful comments sent in by Pitchfork readers regarding Radiohead's May 11 gig at the Nissan Pavilion in Bristow, Virginia. They're not talking about the quality of the band's performance, mind. Most of them, in fact, never got to see it. As a Washington Post report indicates-- echoing what confused and upset fans wrote to Pitchfork and posted to blogs and message boards this week-- torrential rainfall flooded access roads leading to Nissan Pavilion, resulting in a traffic jam that stranded more than a few of the gig-bound within miles of the venue, left only to imagine how awesome "Bodysnatchers" sounds live. A Post review of the show even notes that Thom Yorke dedicated "Fake Plastic Trees" that night "to those who missed the show because of the rain and traffic." Some flustered folks report having been directed to drive in circles for hours before giving up and going home, and all seem to agree that the Live Nation-run Nissan Pavilion-- apparently no stranger to lousy weather-- could have handled the situation much, much better. Nearly all who were given the run-around (drive-around?), understandably, want their money back. Radiohead's Colin Greenwood took to Dead Air Space the day after the show to offer the following commentary: To everyone who made it, and put up with the torrents on the lawn, and came early to catch the Liars and our show, thank you so much for braving the deluge. I hope you heard what you came for, the music and lights diverting you from the wet. We got out of there around three am...We've had floods at Bull Creek, lightning at the RFK stadium, so there must be some kind of Biblical fix between us and DC. Frogs next time? Yet the next day (May 13), after the fan outcry had mounted, this posting from W.A.S.T.E. appeared on Dead Air Space: Due to Sunday night's torrential rain storm and consequential multiple road closures, many fans were unable to reach the Nissan Pavilion. While acknowledging a lack of control over the ensuing flooding and detours, the members of Radiohead are nevertheless disappointed regarding this turn of events. For further inquiries, ticketholders who didn't get in are urged to contact: customerservice@nissanpavilion.com According to a Billboard.com report, Live Nation is indeed addressing grievances sent to the above email "on a case-by-case basis" and offering fans who were turned away tickets to either another Nissan Pavilion show of their choosing (slim pickings there) or Radiohead's August 12 gig at Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey (over three hours from Bristow). Yet some fans have already noted that the New Jersey tickets-- lawn seats instead of pavilion ones, in some cases-- don't match their original tickets in value. And Live Nation seemingly has no intention of refunding anyone. The concert behemoth shouldn't be held accountable for acts of God, of course, but many feel they should be held accountable for the way Nissan Pavilion managed things. Further compounding the matter is a whole flaming heap of irony. Radiohead, recall, commissioned an extensive Best Foot Forward report that helped them determine how to tour in the most carbon-efficient manner possible. They also harped on about carbon-friendliness repeatedly to their fans. All of this of course makes their choice of venue for the DC-area (named after a car manufacturer, no less!) rather suspect, especially a venue whose personnel kept cars driving in circles for hours on end. Ops...io mi sarei imbestialito....
  14. 4. Non bestemmiare, ad alta voce, se a fianco a voi c'è qualcuno che riprende il concerto. Poi si sente tutto.
  15. prendiamo nota C.V.D. L'avevo notato ma ho preferito non infierire ora ci provo pure io và: stasera possiamo chiudere la serie con largo anticipo...vediamo che succede Si ma l'arte dell'autogufamento prevede un lungo studio...non è da tutti
  16. David Bowie - Station to Station 1976
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