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Sono stato a Lione il 26 e devo dire che il concerto è stato strepitoso.

So che suona da fan con il paraocchi ma vi assicuro che non mi aspettavo un tale impatto live della band e mi hanno sbalordito. Sono pochi i gruppi che ho visto e mi hanno lasciato la voglia di tornare ad un loro concerto immediatamente, uno di questi sono i Radiohead e gli Arcade fire hanno sortito lo stesso effetto.

Le prime sedici canzoni sono state come dire...sparate, in un attimo è passata più di un'ora di concerto senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse. Month of may mi ha spaccato le orecchie che ancora oggi sono ovattate.

Tanti italiani a dover passare il confine per vederli, tantissima gente al concerto, la Halle Tony Garnier strapiena.

Insomma Kid_max, la prossima volta andiamo insieme :P

ps: Ho fatto delle foto ma non sono certo un granchè se le volete vedere sapete dove trovarmi.

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Sono stato a Lione il 26 e devo dire che il concerto è stato strepitoso.

So che suona da fan con il paraocchi ma vi assicuro che non mi aspettavo un tale impatto live della band e mi hanno sbalordito. Sono pochi i gruppi che ho visto e mi hanno lasciato la voglia di tornare ad un loro concerto immediatamente, uno di questi sono i Radiohead e gli Arcade fire hanno sortito lo stesso effetto.

Le prime sedici canzoni sono state come dire...sparate, in un attimo è passata più di un'ora di concerto senza che nessuno se ne accorgesse. Month of may mi ha spaccato le orecchie che ancora oggi sono ovattate.

Tanti italiani a dover passare il confine per vederli, tantissima gente al concerto, la Halle Tony Garnier strapiena.

Insomma Kid_max, la prossima volta andiamo insieme :P

ps: Ho fatto delle foto ma non sono certo un granchè se le volete vedere sapete dove trovarmi.

minchia ho visto che han fatto my body is a cage.

io parto domani per londra, sappiate che se la fanno avrò bisogno io stesso di un pet life saver

(lo ammetto, questa era pessima ma lentamente sto cominciando a sentire gli eventi)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ora io li ho sempre adorati, ma come spesso accade al musicista/campione non corrisponde un uomo altrettanto all'altezza.

Prima i fatti poi le considerazioni. I precedenti:

- greenplastic a londra entra praticamente in camerino per fare due foto con loro e viene insultato dal rosso (Richard)

- wayne coyne dei flaming lips dichiara pubblicamente che sono degli stronzi

questi due elementi da soli non giustificano niente, il primo..vabbe green...il secondo sembra il classico scambio di insulti tra bands di cui mai si saprà la verità.

Ieri però salta fuori il terzo, e ben più grave, indizio.

Sul forum ufficiale del gruppo us kids know che bazzigo piu da lettore che altro appare una discussione da un utente serio e rispettato, un fan della prima ora che ha visto n mila concerti e condivide bootleg ecc. Uno di cui ci si può fidare, diciamo uno street degli AF per capirci.

In sintesi lui e altri inglesi del forum si sono fatti un po' di date dell'attuale tour inglese.

Nell'ultima data, credo manchester, poco prima che inizi lo show, una manager degli AF si avvicina alla barriera e chiede a quelli che sono appostati di spostarsi 2 o 3 file indietro PERCHE' LA BAND E' STANCA DI VEDERE SEMPRE LE STESSE FACCE IN PRIMA FILA.

Questi i fatti. Ora i quesiti: ma stiamo scherzando?!?premesso che in genere chi segue molti concerti in prima fila è in genere amato dalle band normali (non ultimo motivo perchè è gente che ti da un sacco di soldi), vedi dediche di bat for lashes a cut oppure about today dedicata alla ragazza accanto a me a Brixton, ma chi si credono di essere? sinceramente mi perdono 1000 punti e le teorie che li vedono ottimi musicisti ma uomini di merda (magari non tutti e 16 ovviamente, forse alcuni di loro che tuttavia impongono le decisioni) acquistano validità, almeno per me.

Diciamo che se dovessero ripassare a breve in Italia ci penserei un bel po' prima di acquistare il biglietto.

Attendo i commenti di Kid max (vediamo se funziona la psicologia inversa)

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Io sono dell'idea che un gruppo/artista non si possa giudicare dalla persona ma dall'arte.

Il fatto che siano stronzi non cambia di una virgola l'opinione che io ho della loro musica.

Che poi, tutti gli artisti o quasi sono "stronzi".

Finchè faranno grande musica, mi piaceranno.

Finchè faranno grandi concerti, ci andrò e non mi importa di vedere la stessa gente in prima fila.

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Ora io li ho sempre adorati, ma come spesso accade al musicista/campione non corrisponde un uomo altrettanto all'altezza.

Prima i fatti poi le considerazioni. I precedenti:

- greenplastic a londra entra praticamente in camerino per fare due foto con loro e viene insultato dal rosso (Richard)

- wayne coyne dei flaming lips dichiara pubblicamente che sono degli stronzi

questi due elementi da soli non giustificano niente, il primo..vabbe green...il secondo sembra il classico scambio di insulti tra bands di cui mai si saprà la verità.

Ieri però salta fuori il terzo, e ben più grave, indizio.

Sul forum ufficiale del gruppo us kids know che bazzigo piu da lettore che altro appare una discussione da un utente serio e rispettato, un fan della prima ora che ha visto n mila concerti e condivide bootleg ecc. Uno di cui ci si può fidare, diciamo uno street degli AF per capirci.

In sintesi lui e altri inglesi del forum si sono fatti un po' di date dell'attuale tour inglese.

Nell'ultima data, credo manchester, poco prima che inizi lo show, una manager degli AF si avvicina alla barriera e chiede a quelli che sono appostati di spostarsi 2 o 3 file indietro PERCHE' LA BAND E' STANCA DI VEDERE SEMPRE LE STESSE FACCE IN PRIMA FILA.

Questi i fatti. Ora i quesiti: ma stiamo scherzando?!?premesso che in genere chi segue molti concerti in prima fila è in genere amato dalle band normali (non ultimo motivo perchè è gente che ti da un sacco di soldi), vedi dediche di bat for lashes a cut oppure about today dedicata alla ragazza accanto a me a Brixton, ma chi si credono di essere? sinceramente mi perdono 1000 punti e le teorie che li vedono ottimi musicisti ma uomini di merda (magari non tutti e 16 ovviamente, forse alcuni di loro che tuttavia impongono le decisioni) acquistano validità, almeno per me.

Diciamo che se dovessero ripassare a breve in Italia ci penserei un bel po' prima di acquistare il biglietto.

Attendo i commenti di Kid max (vediamo se funziona la psicologia inversa)

e' una bella batosta, io ci resto male sentendo cose del genere, son dettagli che mi han sempre influenzato nella scelta di una band.

comunque per quanto riguarda la mia esperienza personale, posso dire che Win e il batterista sono stati gentilissimi con me, offrendomi la possibilita' di farmi entrare in un modo o nell'altro... magari solo a parole, ma non posso lamentarmi.

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Attendo i commenti di Kid max (vediamo se funziona la psicologia inversa)

minchia ma sai che se non facevi quell'appunto finale stavo già partendo con una rispostona pro arcade fire? mi avevi fregato per bene bastardo. :lol:

comunque, postaci le foto di sti tizi sempre in prima fila, perché sinceramente neanche io vorrei avere sempre 4 stronzi magari pure obesi e nerd mentre suono my body is a cage pensando poi a quante fighe ci sono là in mezzo... :ok:

io poi fossi in una band planetaria odierei i fanatici, cioè se vedessi uno per la terza volta ad un mio concerto di fila lo manderei pubblicamente a farsi una scampagnata, dai!

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minchia ma sai che se non facevi quell'appunto finale stavo già partendo con una rispostona pro arcade fire? mi avevi fregato per bene bastardo. :lol:

comunque, postaci le foto di sti tizi sempre in prima fila, perché sinceramente neanche io vorrei avere sempre 4 stronzi magari pure obesi e nerd mentre suono my body is a cage pensando poi a quante fighe ci sono là in mezzo... :ok:

io poi fossi in una band planetaria odierei i fanatici, cioè se vedessi uno per la terza volta ad un mio concerto di fila lo manderei pubblicamente a farsi una scampagnata, dai!

sei veramente il liam gallagher de noaltri!

comunque un nuovo thread potrebbe essere: ma quante gnocca c'è agli indieconcerti?la mia personale risposta è: un mucchio

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sei veramente il liam gallagher de noaltri!

comunque un nuovo thread potrebbe essere: ma quante gnocca c'è agli indieconcerti?la mia personale risposta è: un mucchio

Io sono andato 3 settimane fa al concerto degli AF. Ho conosciuto due gnocche.

E la terza l'ho beccata tornando a casa a piedi. E' pleonastico dire che sono tornato più tardi del previsto, poi, quella sera. :dance:

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questo il racconti (i racconti anzi, è capitato piu di una volta)

che schifo.

As usual, we queued pretty early in order to get a ringside view of this amazing band. A couple of us were fortunate enough to get on the barrier stage left, with several other UKKers stood with us. It promised to be a great evening.

However, shortly before the support act came on, J was approached by a female member of the band's management staff, who walked up to him on the stage side of the barrier. What she had to say simply astounded us. J was asked to not stand at the barrier any more and to move a few rows back into the crowd. Apparently, the band are tired of seeing the same faces at their shows and want to see different faces at the front to make each gig a new experience for them (the band).

Not quite believing what I had just heard, I joined in at this point and we argued J's case strongly, but politely. Unfortunately, she was quite adamant that, at the end of the day, it was J's decision as to whether to move or not, but it was what the band wanted.

I must also add at this point that this incident is not the first time it has happened this week. Another UKKer has been asked to move 3 times in the last week at 2 different shows.

Both UKKers are understandably dismayed by the band's stance on this. At the end of the day, they bought a ticket like everyone else and went out of their way to get to their favourite viewing positions within the venue. The band have no right to demand that they move.

And for the record, shocked, dismayed and embarrassed, J gave up his position on the barrier to another UKKer, but remained with us at the front at our insistence.

Edit #1: To save you searching, here are John's ("J") thoughts from later in the thread:

I've only just got back from Manchester and f you haven't already guessed 'J' is me.First of all I would like to thank Paul for starting the thread and now I will tell you how the evening panned out.

Inside the arena with about 15 minutes for Davendra to take to the stage we were taking group photos.I had my back to the stage when I felt a tap on my shoulder,I turned round and my initial reaction was that the women behind the barrier was going to offer to take a photo for us with my camera,but how wrong was I. She said to me that I had been spotted near the front at recent shows and that the band want to see different faces at each venue in order for each show to be unique to them and she suggested that I move.I was totally amazed and shocked.She repeated this a few times and I told her that I cannot believe that we were having such a conversation.I then asked her if she was part of the bands management which she confirmed.I told her that I felt really embarrassed and that I felt embarrassed for her being the messenger.I told her that I was with a large group of people that had split up into smaller groups and were in various areas around the front of the arena and that some of them had been to even more shows than me.She said that she had spoken to some at the other end of the barrier on the same matter.

In Birmingham I saw this happen first hand to some one else and to be repeated again at Cardiff.It was agreed that we would not say anything,but when it happened to me I said it must go public.I don't really have to into to much detail about how we see other bands and how they appreciate ones loyalty and express it in other ways.

Back to Manchester.We were positioned well over to the left of the front of the stage,compared to a few of the shows where we were more central.While Devendra was playing I could not stop thinking about what happened,it was so surreal and unbelievable and I tried not to let it put a dampener on the evening but it has left a bad taste in my mouth.I joked about wearing a disguise next time I see them or people in the front row wearing a mask of my face alternating with a mask of the other person.The meet up was great and it was good to finally meet Shine on and Victoria.

Oh yes I forgot to mention that a number of people around us that we don't know witnessed what happened.Finally thank you all in our meet up for your support.

Edit #2: And here are the thoughts of Jules from later in the thread:

I’ve given this a lot of thought, because I’m not sure what I should say or how anything I say will be perceived. Yes this did it happened to me, both in Birmingham and in Cardiff, although the reason given was not the same as John appears to have been given.

I’ve been to a lot of Arcade Fire gigs and spoken to them on many occasions, mainly in the company of other UKK members, so I can understand to some extent that they could be bored of seeing my face in the crowd. I think Mark had it spot on when he said we can be greedy in wanting to be at the front. Maybe that is true, although I’d point to a lack of height and age rather than any great desire to be close to the band. I envy people like Joel and Graeme who tower above me so can see clearly from a few rows back.

The majority of the gigs I attended I’ve stood with friends and hardly ever in the middle (it’s far too rowdy for an old timer like me). I’m no saint but I’ve given up my spot on a number of occasions so that people smaller have a better view. At the Alexandra Palace gigs I made sure some young children were able to be at the front. I have children of my own and I’d hope that others would do the same for them.

The facts are this. I attended both the London O2 Arena gigs and yes I did stand at the front.

I took my son to see them in Birmingham so I was standing with him and other forum members off to the stage left. I was approach by Amy calling me by my name and asked if she could have a chat with me away from the people I was with. My immediate reaction what “what have I done wrong?”. She told my I’d not do anything wrong and the band really appreciated my support, but that I was distracting them during concerts because of my enthusiasm. Would I move back a few rows? Although I was shocked and upset that I could have been putting the band off, I did think that at least it had been handled fairly discretely. Naturally I agreed, the last thing I wanted was to be a nuisance to anyone. Let’s be clear, it was not done nastily and there was some thought about how I’d feel if it had been said to my face. Imagine if she had said that in front of my own child.

Anyway I made my way back and made an excuse to my son that I wanted to talk to Graeme and went back to stand next to him. Okay I’m shaken and embarrassed by the whole thing. I even thought “ I hope they don’t think I’m a stalker”. Luckily Tom and Jack turned up and you can’t help but have a good time, so I just join the merriment in the middle.

After the show a few people that had seen what had happened started quizzing me on the strange goings on. I’m not going to lie to my son or my friends, but I made them all agree that nothing should be posted on the forum. Not because I was embarrassed for myself, but because of the negativity that anything I said would cause. I made light of the whole incident saying that (and its probably true) I do stand out in a crowd and they do know me from the past, so hey it’s understandable.

I’d already decided to miss the Manchester show (glad someone was able to put the ticket to good use), but still had ticket to Cardiff. I’d really enjoyed the show in 2007 and I decided that as long as I stood well off to the side and out of any direct line of sight of the band that should be fine. I met a few of people from the forum, including John, before the show but on entering the arena left them and went and stood to the far stage left beyond where Marika stands. I felt very alone, it’s the first Arcade Fire gig I've been to that I haven’t stood with friends I’ve made through this forum since the first 2 London gigs back in 2005.

Amy came up to me before the show started and said thanks for moving the night before, the band appreciated it. I asked if I was okay where I was, but was asked if I could move back a few more rows. I did so, but it really left me cold.. I spent the whole night peering from behind some tall person for fear that the band might spot me. I had no heart for the concert and was glad when it was over. I couldn’t even raise myself for Wake Up or Tunnels.

Again some people had seen the request and wanted to post about it. My view was that it was not a thing to do because it would be negative (hell was I right there) and in farness maybe in the past I have been over familiar with the band. It was okay, I’d already decided that this was my last grand tour so to speak (I’ve had a few adventures over the 5 years that they have toured the UK... ask Spidey about the Car Park after Alexandra Palace.. that was a night that I’ll never live down) and was planning on going for seats if I could get any decent ones next time. The overriding thought I had driving home was actually not about Arcade Fire, but how could I go and see Bell Orchestre again? They play smaller flat venues with no seating. I can’t stand the cricked neck I get from peering round other people (Hey guess how my neck is at the moment) so it seems that reluctantly I’ll have to simple not go, if and when they tour again.

So that was my experience, there's more that I don’t wish to say, some people will know (too many really), about my relationship with Arcade Fire and this forum over the last 5 years. I do question if I can ever go to see them again. I’m undecided at the moment.

You’d never have heard of this had a similar, if not identical, thing not occurred in Manchester. As many have pointed out already, John is one of the nicest and kindest persons that I have had the pleasure to meet over the last 5 years. My heart sank deep when I got a text from someone telling me what happened to him. I don’t see it as the same as myself. As I have already said, I’ll understand it against me, because they know me directly rather than as just a face in the crowd and so if I have caused any offense to them, I’m truly sorry.

But please just don’t do this to other people.

I’ve reluctantly written this, because I had a number of people ask me to explain what happened. I just hope in some way we can draw a line under the whole thing.

To John, I’m sorry this happened to you. To the band, I mean you no harm, you’re human and you’re entitled to dislike me. That’s fine, I bear no malice. I have gained far more from your music than I deserve. I’m just one of many people my age who have had their musical consciousness awoken by your music and your live performances.

I really don’t want to discuss this anymore.

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questo il racconti (i racconti anzi, è capitato piu di una volta)

che schifo.

As usual, we queued pretty early in order to get a ringside view of this amazing band. A couple of us were fortunate enough to get on the barrier stage left, with several other UKKers stood with us. It promised to be a great evening.

However, shortly before the support act came on, J was approached by a female member of the band's management staff, who walked up to him on the stage side of the barrier. What she had to say simply astounded us. J was asked to not stand at the barrier any more and to move a few rows back into the crowd. Apparently, the band are tired of seeing the same faces at their shows and want to see different faces at the front to make each gig a new experience for them (the band).

Not quite believing what I had just heard, I joined in at this point and we argued J's case strongly, but politely. Unfortunately, she was quite adamant that, at the end of the day, it was J's decision as to whether to move or not, but it was what the band wanted.

I must also add at this point that this incident is not the first time it has happened this week. Another UKKer has been asked to move 3 times in the last week at 2 different shows.

Both UKKers are understandably dismayed by the band's stance on this. At the end of the day, they bought a ticket like everyone else and went out of their way to get to their favourite viewing positions within the venue. The band have no right to demand that they move.

And for the record, shocked, dismayed and embarrassed, J gave up his position on the barrier to another UKKer, but remained with us at the front at our insistence.

Edit #1: To save you searching, here are John's ("J") thoughts from later in the thread:

I've only just got back from Manchester and f you haven't already guessed 'J' is me.First of all I would like to thank Paul for starting the thread and now I will tell you how the evening panned out.

Inside the arena with about 15 minutes for Davendra to take to the stage we were taking group photos.I had my back to the stage when I felt a tap on my shoulder,I turned round and my initial reaction was that the women behind the barrier was going to offer to take a photo for us with my camera,but how wrong was I. She said to me that I had been spotted near the front at recent shows and that the band want to see different faces at each venue in order for each show to be unique to them and she suggested that I move.I was totally amazed and shocked.She repeated this a few times and I told her that I cannot believe that we were having such a conversation.I then asked her if she was part of the bands management which she confirmed.I told her that I felt really embarrassed and that I felt embarrassed for her being the messenger.I told her that I was with a large group of people that had split up into smaller groups and were in various areas around the front of the arena and that some of them had been to even more shows than me.She said that she had spoken to some at the other end of the barrier on the same matter.

In Birmingham I saw this happen first hand to some one else and to be repeated again at Cardiff.It was agreed that we would not say anything,but when it happened to me I said it must go public.I don't really have to into to much detail about how we see other bands and how they appreciate ones loyalty and express it in other ways.

Back to Manchester.We were positioned well over to the left of the front of the stage,compared to a few of the shows where we were more central.While Devendra was playing I could not stop thinking about what happened,it was so surreal and unbelievable and I tried not to let it put a dampener on the evening but it has left a bad taste in my mouth.I joked about wearing a disguise next time I see them or people in the front row wearing a mask of my face alternating with a mask of the other person.The meet up was great and it was good to finally meet Shine on and Victoria.

Oh yes I forgot to mention that a number of people around us that we don't know witnessed what happened.Finally thank you all in our meet up for your support.

Edit #2: And here are the thoughts of Jules from later in the thread:

I’ve given this a lot of thought, because I’m not sure what I should say or how anything I say will be perceived. Yes this did it happened to me, both in Birmingham and in Cardiff, although the reason given was not the same as John appears to have been given.

I’ve been to a lot of Arcade Fire gigs and spoken to them on many occasions, mainly in the company of other UKK members, so I can understand to some extent that they could be bored of seeing my face in the crowd. I think Mark had it spot on when he said we can be greedy in wanting to be at the front. Maybe that is true, although I’d point to a lack of height and age rather than any great desire to be close to the band. I envy people like Joel and Graeme who tower above me so can see clearly from a few rows back.

The majority of the gigs I attended I’ve stood with friends and hardly ever in the middle (it’s far too rowdy for an old timer like me). I’m no saint but I’ve given up my spot on a number of occasions so that people smaller have a better view. At the Alexandra Palace gigs I made sure some young children were able to be at the front. I have children of my own and I’d hope that others would do the same for them.

The facts are this. I attended both the London O2 Arena gigs and yes I did stand at the front.

I took my son to see them in Birmingham so I was standing with him and other forum members off to the stage left. I was approach by Amy calling me by my name and asked if she could have a chat with me away from the people I was with. My immediate reaction what “what have I done wrong?”. She told my I’d not do anything wrong and the band really appreciated my support, but that I was distracting them during concerts because of my enthusiasm. Would I move back a few rows? Although I was shocked and upset that I could have been putting the band off, I did think that at least it had been handled fairly discretely. Naturally I agreed, the last thing I wanted was to be a nuisance to anyone. Let’s be clear, it was not done nastily and there was some thought about how I’d feel if it had been said to my face. Imagine if she had said that in front of my own child.

Anyway I made my way back and made an excuse to my son that I wanted to talk to Graeme and went back to stand next to him. Okay I’m shaken and embarrassed by the whole thing. I even thought “ I hope they don’t think I’m a stalker”. Luckily Tom and Jack turned up and you can’t help but have a good time, so I just join the merriment in the middle.

After the show a few people that had seen what had happened started quizzing me on the strange goings on. I’m not going to lie to my son or my friends, but I made them all agree that nothing should be posted on the forum. Not because I was embarrassed for myself, but because of the negativity that anything I said would cause. I made light of the whole incident saying that (and its probably true) I do stand out in a crowd and they do know me from the past, so hey it’s understandable.

I’d already decided to miss the Manchester show (glad someone was able to put the ticket to good use), but still had ticket to Cardiff. I’d really enjoyed the show in 2007 and I decided that as long as I stood well off to the side and out of any direct line of sight of the band that should be fine. I met a few of people from the forum, including John, before the show but on entering the arena left them and went and stood to the far stage left beyond where Marika stands. I felt very alone, it’s the first Arcade Fire gig I've been to that I haven’t stood with friends I’ve made through this forum since the first 2 London gigs back in 2005.

Amy came up to me before the show started and said thanks for moving the night before, the band appreciated it. I asked if I was okay where I was, but was asked if I could move back a few more rows. I did so, but it really left me cold.. I spent the whole night peering from behind some tall person for fear that the band might spot me. I had no heart for the concert and was glad when it was over. I couldn’t even raise myself for Wake Up or Tunnels.

Again some people had seen the request and wanted to post about it. My view was that it was not a thing to do because it would be negative (hell was I right there) and in farness maybe in the past I have been over familiar with the band. It was okay, I’d already decided that this was my last grand tour so to speak (I’ve had a few adventures over the 5 years that they have toured the UK... ask Spidey about the Car Park after Alexandra Palace.. that was a night that I’ll never live down) and was planning on going for seats if I could get any decent ones next time. The overriding thought I had driving home was actually not about Arcade Fire, but how could I go and see Bell Orchestre again? They play smaller flat venues with no seating. I can’t stand the cricked neck I get from peering round other people (Hey guess how my neck is at the moment) so it seems that reluctantly I’ll have to simple not go, if and when they tour again.

So that was my experience, there's more that I don’t wish to say, some people will know (too many really), about my relationship with Arcade Fire and this forum over the last 5 years. I do question if I can ever go to see them again. I’m undecided at the moment.

You’d never have heard of this had a similar, if not identical, thing not occurred in Manchester. As many have pointed out already, John is one of the nicest and kindest persons that I have had the pleasure to meet over the last 5 years. My heart sank deep when I got a text from someone telling me what happened to him. I don’t see it as the same as myself. As I have already said, I’ll understand it against me, because they know me directly rather than as just a face in the crowd and so if I have caused any offense to them, I’m truly sorry.

But please just don’t do this to other people.

I’ve reluctantly written this, because I had a number of people ask me to explain what happened. I just hope in some way we can draw a line under the whole thing.

To John, I’m sorry this happened to you. To the band, I mean you no harm, you’re human and you’re entitled to dislike me. That’s fine, I bear no malice. I have gained far more from your music than I deserve. I’m just one of many people my age who have had their musical consciousness awoken by your music and your live performances.

I really don’t want to discuss this anymore.

mamma mia, che tristezza... :huh:

secondo me e' tutta colpa del rosso! :arbitro:

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sei veramente il liam gallagher de noaltri!

comunque un nuovo thread potrebbe essere: ma quante gnocca c'è agli indieconcerti?la mia personale risposta è: un mucchio

e secondo te perchè massimo si fionda sempre in concerti scalerci? :laugh:

comunque la figa indie non te la da...quasi mai...devi essere il trickster della situation altrimenti ciccia.

dove si rischia altamente di infilare la carota è ai concerti ahimè degli oasis invece,incredibile ma vero...e non chiedetemi il perchè! :rolleyes:

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Nuovo album degli Arcade Fire il 28 marzo?

Adesso non prendeteci per il 'Tuttosport' del rock alternativo, ma anche questa sera abbiamo il nostro bel rumour per voi: nella fattispecie, un nuovo album degli Arcade Fire tra poco più di due mesi.

Precisiamo che non vi è ancora nulla di ufficiale, ma nell'elenco delle uscite discografiche del magazine 'Music Week' compare (come potete vedere a lato e anche qui), sotto la colonna "Albums", la seguente dicitura: "Arcade Fire, tbc (Sonovox) (28/3)". Che, tradotto, significa: un LP, con il titolo ancora non confermato, in pubblicazione per la Sonovox il 28 marzo.

'Music Week', peraltro, non è la prima rivista musicale che può capitare di sfogliare dal barbiere, ma la pubblicazione ufficiale dell'industria discografica britannica: sta ad essa come 'Il Sole 24 Ore' alla nostra Confindustria.

Secondo il sito 'Productshopnyc.com', il primo a notare la cosa, la band di Montreal avrebbe registrato ben 38 canzoni durante le sessions per 'The Suburbs'. A questo nuovo LP potrebbe essere destinato parte del materiale non utilizzato per l'album uscito lo scorso agosto.

Certo al 100% è, in ogni caso, il prossimo singolo tratto dal nostro (ma non solo) disco dell'anno: 'City With No Children', che uscirà il 14 marzo.

Cogliamo l'occasione per rammentarvi dei due concerti italiani degli Arcade Fire previsti per luglio: martedì 5 al Milano Jazzin' Festival e sabato 9 al Summer Festival di Lucca.


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Nuovo album degli Arcade Fire il 28 marzo?

Adesso non prendeteci per il 'Tuttosport' del rock alternativo, ma anche questa sera abbiamo il nostro bel rumour per voi: nella fattispecie, un nuovo album degli Arcade Fire tra poco più di due mesi.

Precisiamo che non vi è ancora nulla di ufficiale, ma nell'elenco delle uscite discografiche del magazine 'Music Week' compare (come potete vedere a lato e anche qui), sotto la colonna "Albums", la seguente dicitura: "Arcade Fire, tbc (Sonovox) (28/3)". Che, tradotto, significa: un LP, con il titolo ancora non confermato, in pubblicazione per la Sonovox il 28 marzo.

'Music Week', peraltro, non è la prima rivista musicale che può capitare di sfogliare dal barbiere, ma la pubblicazione ufficiale dell'industria discografica britannica: sta ad essa come 'Il Sole 24 Ore' alla nostra Confindustria.

Secondo il sito 'Productshopnyc.com', il primo a notare la cosa, la band di Montreal avrebbe registrato ben 38 canzoni durante le sessions per 'The Suburbs'. A questo nuovo LP potrebbe essere destinato parte del materiale non utilizzato per l'album uscito lo scorso agosto.

Certo al 100% è, in ogni caso, il prossimo singolo tratto dal nostro (ma non solo) disco dell'anno: 'City With No Children', che uscirà il 14 marzo.

Cogliamo l'occasione per rammentarvi dei due concerti italiani degli Arcade Fire previsti per luglio: martedì 5 al Milano Jazzin' Festival e sabato 9 al Summer Festival di Lucca.


Bene, abbiam finito coi Verdena, e mo' riiniziamo con gli AF. :lol:

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