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10 hours ago, @li said:

Intanto vista la nomination al Mercury Prize di oggi un po' di storia.

I Radiohead non hanno mai vinto finora nonostante siano stati in lizza piu' volte... un po' i Di Caprio del Mercury insomma :)



1997 in nomination con Ok Computer     ----> vincitore Roni Size/Reprazent – New Forms

2001 in nomination con Amnesiac           ----> vincitore PJ Harvey – Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea

2003 in nomination con Hail to the Thief  ----> vincitore Dizzee Rascal – Boy in da Corner

2008 in nomination con In Rainbows       ----> vincitore Elbow – The Seldom Seen Kid

Cioè sono sempre stati battuti da nessuno, a parte PJ, che jella...

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5 hours ago, alessandra said:

Sono meglio dei Radiohead di In Rainbows? 

perché ho detto questo?

mi ha stranito il tuo dare dei nessuno agli Elbow, delle classifiche, premi non me ne può fregare di meno e credo anche ai Radiohead

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On 29/7/2016 at 0:37 AM, max [idioteque.it] said:

Miriam sta scrivendo una tesi sui Radiohead, le diamo una mano compilando questo questionario?

È brevissimo, in 3 minuti lo compilate senza problemi :ok: 

compilato! Auguri per la laurea!

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Questo è il resoconto della ragazza che ha avuto la fortuna di conoscere i Radiohead a New York grazie al conorso di Edward Norton 

Hey everyone! It's been nearly 2 weeks since I met Edward Norton & Radiohead, & I'm finally getting around to making a follow up post, just in case anyone is still curious about it. (I've been working nonstop since I got back to catch up on all the work I missed!) My boyfriend and I were actually already on vacation when I found out that I'd won, it was pretty crazy! We'd just taken a red-eye that morning, and we were about to finally sleep when I happened to check my email. We had to instantly ask our bosses for 3 more days off, and run all over town to find a notary and send in all our paperwork before 2 pm the next day.


This all got started because Edward Norton came up with the idea to raise money for Conservation International (he's on the board and very involved with their work) by doing the raffle for two MSG Radiohead tickets he already had. Conservation International arranged all our travel for us, and we just met up with Edward, his wife, and a small group of their friends the day of and saw the show with them. It was completely amazing, as you guys know. (Thom's voice sounding better than ever! The national anthem w/the convention chatter! LET DOWN DEBUT!!!!!!) And I've personally never heard EIIRP, Street Spirit, 2+2=5, Nude, or Bodysnatchers live. Those were all huge for me. The only other Radiohead show I've ever been able to go to was on their TKOL tour and they played Packt Like Sardines for the first time in 11 years. So if nothing else, I hope I was a good luck charm to resurrect another song we haven't heard live in a decade.


So after the show, we all went backstage. We were of course pretty nervous about meeting the band! It was just a gathering in a room, so we were kind of like the only guests who didn't know anyone at a small party. We actually sat down at a table and drew in our sketchbooks while the band and various other people filtered in, because it felt somehow marginally less awkward than just standing around. After a while, we saw that Ed Norton was talking with Jonny, so we decided we should probably get up and meet him. Jonny was seriously so nice to us, you guys!! He chatted with us for a bit, and he was very genuine when he thanked us for loving his work. We talked about working in animation, so he politely asked to see our work as well. When we showed him our sketchbooks, he said, "you guys are twisted!" haha. We were talking about comics, so he told us we should read Saga, and we told him to read Berserk. Ed Norton's wife was about to take our picture, but she mentioned that Cory worked on Spongebob, and Jonny was like, "GET OUT!" and immediately called his daughter over and had her guess which cartoon he'd worked on, haha. It was pretty cute. She watched him while he did a drawing for her, and she said it was the coolest thing ever.


Edward brought Thom over to meet us as well. I shook his hand too hard (which I apparently do to everyone I meet, it's a recurring problem!) and he was like, "owww, I need that thing!" He was also so genuine when we thanked him for the amazing show. Half the reason I wanted to make this post is because of so many people (like that shitty av club article) pointing out how miserable he looks in those photos of us. I honestly wish I hadn't had to ask for photos, because it feels awkward and derails what was a normal, human interaction. I wouldn't have otherwise, but since it was for charity, I had to do it. (Also, I think what people are responding to is the hilarious contrast between our expressions....haha.) I feel like it's important though for you guys to know what he was like outside of the photos. He was so animated when he was talking with us, making all sorts of crazy expressions & smiling and laughing a ton, & also speaking bits of Spanish. He was positively giddy when he asked if Cory could do a Spongebob drawing for his kids as well. I'd done an Adventure Time drawing for Jonny's daughter, but they took off before I could give it to her, so I asked Thom if he could pass it along to her for me. But when he saw it, he was like, "OMG THESE GUYS! Agnes loves these guys!!" So he asked me to do one for her as well...& I said I could just write out the one I'd done to her instead. He was like, "Don't tell Omri!" Sorry, Omri.  We all talked for a bit longer, and he seemed really happy to talk about his kids and their interests. He bowed and thanked us for our drawings in Japanese, haha. We didn't end up meeting anyone else from the band, they were all busy meeting/talking with other people and we didn't want to interrupt them! (I would've really loved to meet Ed though, if only to thank him for being awesome when I was on his side of the rail in 2012).


My boyfriend described the whole experience as partially very very cool, partially very awkward, and then some of it felt totally normal. The circumstances were certainly weird both for them and for us, but it definitely could've been just a quick handshake and a "nice to meet you," but they were actually so generous with their time. As Thom said, "you get something, we get something." We were just happy that we could do anything for them in return. And Ed Norton, his wife, and their friends were so welcoming and kind to us. We told them that we've been in a somewhat similar boat meeting kids from the make-a-wish foundation touring our animation studios and hoping they have a good time, etc. Edward also said that he was very glad real fans won, and not some random guy who donates to CI and has never heard of Radiohead. It's also really really cool that Radiohead fans were able to raise so much money for a good cause. Conservation International has been really awesome throughout this whole thing, and they already did a follow up post about how the funds will be used.


I came away from it knowing they were really good people. Can't really ask for more.

Here are some photos Ed Norton took during the show, along with the Thom ones you guys already saw, and the photo of Thom holding our drawings for his kids. (I asked him if I could take that one, even though it looks like a creeper shot!) Plus our passes, I thought those were cool looking as well. Hopefully this gives you guys some sense of what it was really like for us! Sorry it got so long, haha. I tried making it shorter but then it was just exactly the same thing I already posted on FB.




Cambiando completamente argomento, a quanto pare stanno iniziando a far girare nei cinema inglesi  Daydreaming e Meeting People Is Easy 


" I work at the Glasgow Film Theatre (Projections/technical) and today we ran the 35mm print of the Daydreaming video along with Meeting People is Easy. I wasn't working today but went to watch it. The video looked great and the documentary was both entertaining and eye-opening (I hadn't seen it before).


Yeah we have to send it back to the distros/onto the next showing unfortunately. I would love to keep it if I could believe me! "


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On ‎12‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 4:49 PM, @li said:

Discutibile come tutte le classifiche, ma The numbers mi sembra proprio forzata... Se volevano mettere in top 10 una del nuovo disco potevano scegliere Daydreaming, o Present tense, o Decks dark, ma The numbers no dai

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1 hour ago, Wanderer said:

Jonny ha scritto gli arrangiamenti d'archi per il nuovo disco di Frank Ocean


Però è solo su una traccia di Endless, che è il "visual album" rilasciato poche ore prima di Blonde, l'effettivo LP2 di Franco Oceano (dove di Jonathan pare non vi sia traccia)

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ora non è più visibile ma ho fatto in tempo a vederlo/ascoltarlo tutto prima che lo stoppassero, secondo me un bel lavoro e per quel che vale la mia opinione, Jonny c'è eccome.

edit, l'ho ascoltato il 19 agosto 

riedit, parlo di Endless

Edited by Ania
riedit a volte tornano
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